A Coffee Lover's Guide to New Year's Resolutions

It’s unlikely that anyone is too upset over the fact that 2020 is coming to an end – between a global pandemic, months of quarantine, and a high-tension election season, it’s truly been an exhausting year.

As the new year looms over the horizon, some folks may be considering potential New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps you want to eat healthier? Read more? Save some money?

If you’re considering adding “drink less caffeine” to that list, we’re here to give you a piece of advice: it’s all good.

At least, when it comes to coffee.

This study from the International Life Sciences Institute concluded that a daily intake of around 400mg of caffeine was “not associated with overt, adverse effects,” for adults (another study noted an inverse association between coffee consumption and mortality including those drinking all the way up to 8 cups per day!). This study is the largest of its kind to date and analyzed the results of over 700 previous independent studies.

To put this number in context, the average amount of caffeine in an 8 oz serving of black coffee is 95mg, although depending on a variety of factors, this number can range from around 15mg – 165mg, while the average decaffeinated coffee contains about 2mg per serving.

A 2014 study published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, which studied potential adverse effects of caffeine, found that the average American consumes about 165mg of caffeine per day.

This number is well below the aforementioned safe daily intake, however, in the 2017 National Coffee Data Trends report from the National Coffee Association, 66% of coffee drinkers limit their daily caffeine intake due to health concerns.

Another important fact to remember is that when it comes to health and coffee – the conversation extends far beyond simple caffeine content.

Coffee is associated with a variety of health benefits applying to longevity, cancer prevention, diabetes, stroke, liver and kidney health, and more.

For those that do avoid for caffeine, don’t despair!

Many of these benefits apply to decaffeinated coffee as well.

The moral of the story: wake up January 1st, 2021 and brew up a cup of your favorite coffee and move into the new year guilt-free – and caffeinated enough to tackle those other resolutions.

And if you still feel the need to make a coffee resolution, maybe make it this one: drink BETTER coffee.