Batch Brewing Guide for All Roast Levels

Batch brewing is the most widely used brewing method in the United States, and for good reason!  Batch brewing is easy, and you don't have to sit and babysit the brew once you click the brew button; also, most batch brewers are very easy to clean and maintain.  But have you noticed that many times when batch brewing the coffee might come out too weak or too bitter?  This has to do with the fact that batch brewers generally have one water temperature setting and one water flow setting, but it is possible to make a delicious cup of coffee regardless of how light or dark the coffee might be.


Before you brew, determine the batch size you want to brew, and based on that you can figure out how much coffee to use based on roast level and preference.  Here's the ratios we recommend:

Light roasts, 1:17-16 coffee to water ratio.
Medium roasts, 1:16-15 coffee to water ratio.
Dark roasts, 1:14 coffee to water ratio.

Here's a coffee to ratio example: if you want to brew 60oz of water, use 3.5 - 3.75oz of coffee for light roasts, 3.75 - 4 oz for medium roasts, or 4.3oz for dark roasts.  You can use a simple kitchen scale to weigh your coffee, but make sure to weigh it BEFORE grinding

Now, based on the roast level and your taste, you might also want to adjust your grind size.  As a general rule, the lighter the coffee is, the finer the grind will be needed, and the darker the coffee is, the coarser the grin will be needed, BUT grind size can also be a matter of taste. For example:

If your coffee comes out too bitter, grind coarser, and if your coffee comes out too acidic, grind finer!


After you figure out how much coffee to use and how fine or coarse you want to grind, it's time to brew your coffee, and it is very easy!

- Insert filter into brew basket and add coffee.

- Replace brew basket and ensure that the pot or dispenser is in place.

- Initiate the brew cycle.

- Wait for the brew to stop dripping and discard the filter with wet grounds.

-Serve, and enjoy!


Pro tip: by using more coffee when brewing dark roasts, you will definitely get a stronger cup of coffee; if it's too strong, don't be afraid to add hot water after you've brewed it!


We highly recommend our "1907" blend for batch brewing, as this coffee was designed to be extremely user friendly and makes a great cup no matter the brewing method you choose!




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