KLLR Coffee Blog
The Right Mask For the Job
For KLLR Coffee, it is essential for the safety of our team and our customers that the masks we chose are effective in achieving our goal: limiting the spread of this virus.
We have chosen hedley&bennett (link) masks to provide all staff and have done so for three primary reasons.
Clean Coffee - Cleaning & Storing Coffee Equipment During COVID-19
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic, business, and personal activities of the world have been unlike anything seen in modern times. The implications for small-businesses have been particularly impactful – and at times ambiguous. For small businesses, weathering the storm has been difficult but, entrepreneurs being scrappy as resourceful as they are, many have found ways to make do and keep their doors open. Others have had to make the difficult decision to close up shop until the end of this ordeal. Regardless, one question has remained for everyone: how long?
Pouring in a Pandemic
There is no way to prevent exposure to all germs and we can’t all stay home 24/7 – or live our lives in a bubble – but by following the guidelines provided heree and encouraging your customers to do so as well, we can take what steps are available to us to keep our cafes safe and open.