KLLR Coffee Blog

KLLR Tea pt. II - Tea at Home

KLLR Tea pt. II - Tea at Home

In our last blog, we learned a little bit about what tea is as a beverage and as an agricultural product. To follow up on that, in this blog we are going to explore the variables to consider when brewing tea, some general guidelines for brewing tea, and a recipe-specific tutorial of one of our favorite teas here at KLLR Coffee.

KLLR Tea pt. 1 – A Primer on Tea

KLLR Tea pt. 1 – A Primer on Tea

In a recent blog, we gave some tips for brewing coffee at home, reasoning that when we are stuck at home, or otherwise unable to get to a great café, that shouldn’t stop one from enjoying a great cup of coffee. 

True that.  

But there are certainly other factors that make the walks and drives to our favorite cafes worth it. Among them: variety. The coffee shops we frequent, more often than not, after all, serve non-coffee products as well. Maybe this is a snazzy signature drink that wouldn’t have occurred to you (more on this to come), or maybe it’s a great tea for your non-coffee-drinking-friend (or yourself – no one said you had to drink coffee ALL the time, right?).

Clean Coffee - Cleaning & Storing Coffee Equipment During COVID-19

Clean Coffee - Cleaning & Storing Coffee Equipment During COVID-19

The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic, business, and personal activities of the world have been unlike anything seen in modern times. The implications for small-businesses have been particularly impactful – and at times ambiguous. For small businesses, weathering the storm has been difficult but, entrepreneurs being scrappy as resourceful as they are, many have found ways to make do and keep their doors open. Others have had to make the difficult decision to close up shop until the end of this ordeal. Regardless, one question has remained for everyone: how long?