KLLR Coffee Blog

Keep up With Your Clean Up: Why Daily Equipment Cleaning Routines are Vital to Your Coffee Program

Keep up With Your Clean Up: Why Daily Equipment Cleaning Routines are Vital to Your Coffee Program

Cleaning, in the context of café life, isn’t confined to some “to-do” item points on the nightly closing list. Adhering to a simple, regular cleaning regimen is an easy and essential way to ensure great tasting coffee, maintain a clean and cared-for environment and maximize the lifespan of equipment (it ain’t cheap, after all!).  

Check out this post for everything you need to keep your work-space looking clean. 

Coffee Trends Pt. II - The Five Best Trends in Coffee in the Last Five Years

Coffee Trends Pt. II - The Five Best Trends in Coffee in the Last Five Years

We started with the bad news in our last blog, ripping the band-aid off by revealing what we felt were five of the worst trends in coffee in the last five years.

This time, it’s time to brighten the mood a bit.

Here are five of our favorite trends in coffee in the last five years.

Coffee Trends Pt. I: The Five Worst Trends in Coffee in the Last Five Years

Coffee Trends Pt. I: The Five Worst Trends in Coffee in the Last Five Years

To say that Specialty Coffee is a trend-driven industry is far from a controversial statement. From equipment, to brewing to techniques, to shop build-outs, motifs and ideas have a tendency to spread – and often change – rapidly.

In the first entry of this two-part series we examine what we view as the five worst trends in coffee of the last five years. 

Apocryphal Origins & Dancing Goats; A KLLR Coffee Guide to Coffee History

Apocryphal Origins & Dancing Goats; A KLLR Coffee Guide to Coffee History

As ubiquitous as coffee can seem within the context of life in 2020, most of us probably don’t spend much time considering how it was discovered, not to mention the terrifying prospect that there was a time when life without coffee was a reality.

Equipment We Love: Wilbur Curtis Gold Cup Brewer

Equipment We Love: Wilbur Curtis Gold Cup Brewer

The Gold Cup brewer allows users to create highly customizable recipes via an intuitive digital interface. Variables like temperature, number of pulses, the quantity of water dispensed during these pulses, and the amount of time between them, are easily programmed and multiple recipes, unique to different coffee offerings, can be programmed and saved, allowing for a pour-over menu offering a variety of coffees all available with the push of a button.

Powerful Partnerships: Minor Figures Pt. 11 – Going Carbon Neutral

Powerful Partnerships: Minor Figures Pt. 11 – Going Carbon Neutral

At KLLR Coffee, we pride ourselves on being unapologetically discerning in other brands we partner with. We’ve posted before about some of the reasons we love working with Minor Figures, and now we are back to sing their praises again as they walk-the-walk, stepping one step ahead of other oat-milk producers by becoming 100% carbon neutral.

KLLR Collaborations: KLLR X Rollertown Beerworks' War Daddy Coffee Stout

KLLR Collaborations: KLLR X Rollertown Beerworks' War Daddy Coffee Stout

Even many North Texans are not yet familiar with the small town of Celina, TX but a new addition to the already formidable Dallas/Fort Worth area b...

KLLR Home Kitchen: DIY KLLR Cascara Soda

KLLR Home Kitchen: DIY KLLR Cascara Soda

In one of our more recent blog posts, we discussed seasonal coffee beverages in the context of coffee shops and how creative, seasonally-focused rotating menus can be a fun way to engage both baristas as well as those they serve.

What about at home?

Check out this blog to learn how to make a delicious seasonal beverage in your own home kitchen: the KLLR Cascara Soda!

Celebrating Seasonality: Seasonal Menus & the Maple Pecan Iced Latte

Celebrating Seasonality: Seasonal Menus & the Maple Pecan Iced Latte

At KLLR Coffee, we love seeing the fun ways our clients embrace seasonality and the creativity of their baristas. In fact, each quarter we are distributing a collection of syrup and beverage recipes for our shops to use, riff-on, or get inspired by.

For the purpose of this blog, we are featuring one of our current recipes: The Maple Pecan Iced Latte, a sweet- treat for those wanting to drink cool even when it’s cold out.

Powerful Partnerships - Breville & Beanz.com

Powerful Partnerships - Breville & Beanz.com

If getting freshly roasted coffee from your favorite roasters delivered straight to your home or office sounds up your alley, you’re going to want to check out Beanz.com, a new initiative from Breville with the goal of helping kitchen-coffee-connoisseurs step up their game.

Demystifying Dialing-In: The Scientific Method for Coffee

Demystifying Dialing-In: The Scientific Method for Coffee

For baristas and operators new to the craft, wrapping one’s head around all of the variables inherent to brewing coffee and espresso can seem a daunting task, but it can easily be put into perspective by analogizing it to a simple concept we all learned about in high-school science: The Scientific Method.

Powerful Partnerships Pt 2: Eversys

Powerful Partnerships Pt 2: Eversys

When we first got hands-on time with the Eversys Cameo, to say we were impressed would be an understatement. These machines are able to execute precise, customized espresso and milk profiles with a level of consistency your favorite barista could only dream of.